All is going according to plan... information like this hasn't been revealed for all the public just yet, but do know that whoever finds everything out about what we have in mind. You will not see the face of the earth in this lifetime
Listen on, it's all for the common good:
*I had them put Decibel, Troublesome and...Johnny!?!?
*Weekend recap with Johnny
*The porn business was gave him (an update!?)
*I hooked on someone on sleeping pills...
*living alone; he's a knife, (we must've traumatized him)
*Johnny's reaction to getting banned
*Toublesome/Johnny's Love Systems bootcamp experience!
*Guru's Johnny is friends (coincidence...?)
*Johnny speculates Pussy Monger is Rob Judge?
*When Is it OK to hit a woman in the face, under our watch that is?
*Finding someones Ugly Side
*Cutting someone out of your life (we decide that)
*Johnny's racist rant to be soundclipped for the show?
*Word Association with Johnny (Nicolaus, iambrian, Mystery and sativa)
*Johnny Agrees to Come to the Casanova BBQ and play in the CC vs Guru's annual softball game.
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Here's something alfaromeo from casanovacrew has to say about our resident retard Mr Lefty.
The funny thing is alfaromeo posted how he wanted lefty back into the forum. Now everyone knows lefty's a fucking tard.
When you think about it, johnny's intention is pretty fucking pathetic.
Most guy when they want to get laid through "lifestyle", they'll do something like becoming a famous celebrity.(think wilt chamberlain, motley cru, rolling stones etc).
Johnny hope that one day, he'll become some low grade sleazy piece of shit B rated porn director. Of course with the salary of 30 dollars a day, there's no way in hell any fucking girls, including fat ones will work with him.
I'm afraid he will have to die a virgin.